Re: Linux 2.6.32

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Fri Dec 11 2009 - 01:49:41 EST

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009, David Miller wrote:
> I should just remove them all since we do use dynamic spam
> filtering these days.

One that struck me was the "<slash>gall<slash>" entry. I assume it's from
some email that tries to helpfully connect people with pictures of
well-endowed females (presumably "gall" is short for "gallery"), but it's
also a simple and short english word.

Tha _gall_ of some people to do things like that! Imagine if I tried to
write that in italics rather than underlined?

Similarly, while cursing is fine (goodie - otherwise half my emails would
get eaten :^), and I can say "Goddamn everybody to Hell", I would be in
trouble if I wrote "Jesus H Christ, that's stupid" and didn't have that
'H' in there.

And trigegring on "god<space>fearing" is apparently also a sure-fire way
to get rid of the religious nuttery spam without ever triggering in normal
cases? Really?

That said, most of the taboo list is pretty amusing and I suspect hard to
trigger in any real email. But parts of that list do look pretty

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