Re: Getting HDD serial in kernel space

From: Alan Cox
Date: Sun Nov 15 2009 - 12:04:10 EST

On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 17:03:56 +0300
Andrey Polovov <andrey.polovov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Andrey Polovov:
> > How can I do it in kernel space (it is one hdd in machine, plugged with
> > SATA)?
> What I need is a small piece of code that can help me in getting a list
> (ata_device array?) of plugged HDDs and their serial numbers.

That wasn't the question I asked. The question I asked is "what are you
trying to do". You request seems rather odd, especially to try and do in
kernel space, so if we understood what you were trying to do it might
make more sense and easier to suggest the best way to approach it.

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