Re: Does a kernel assisted file system reorder make sense?

From: Alexander Clouter
Date: Sun Nov 15 2009 - 07:09:28 EST

Christian Volkmann <haveaniceday@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I just have read some articles about faster booting systems
> (Ubuntu 9.10) , SSD, hard disks, latency and seek times...
> Due to this I have some ideas which I like to discuss.
> I am for sure not the first with this idea, but I do not
> find any discussion about it. :)
> [snipped]
> But this would only make sense if a system boot is delayed by
> hard disk seek times. I have no SSD to check if a SSD boots
> faster. Does anyone have the experience if a SSD boots faster?
> faster still just to suspend/resume to RAM or disk surely?

I like to reduce my boot time by...erm...not booting :)


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: It is the wise bird who builds his nest in a tree.

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