Re: [PATCH 1/3] net: TCP thin-stream detection

From: William Allen Simpson
Date: Tue Oct 27 2009 - 23:09:25 EST

Andreas Petlund wrote:
+/* Determines whether this is a thin stream (which may suffer from
+ * increased latency). Used to trigger latency-reducing mechanisms.
+ */
+static inline unsigned int tcp_stream_is_thin(const struct tcp_sock *tp)
+ return tp->packets_out < 4;
This bothers me a bit. Having just looked at your Linux presentation,
and not (yet) read your papers, it seems much of your justification was
with 1 packet per RTT. Here, you seem to be concentrating on 4, probably
because many implementations quickly ramp up to 4.

But there's a fair amount of experience showing that ramping to 4 is
problematic on congested paths, especially wireless networks. Fast
retransmit in that case would be disastrous.

Once upon a time, I worked on a fair number of interactive games a decade
or so ago. And agree that this can be a problem, although I've never
been a fan of turning off the Nagle algorithm. My solution has always
been a heartbeat, rather than trying to shoehorn this into TCP.

Also, I've not seen any discussion on the end-to-end interest list.

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