Re: removing existing working drivers via staging

From: david
Date: Thu Oct 15 2009 - 15:59:40 EST

On Thu, 15 Oct 2009, Stefan Richter wrote:

david@xxxxxxx wrote:
it's these users who will discover the missing driver and care about it,
not the distros.

I think we are talking about stuff of which users will typically
discover that it plainly doesn't work long before it vanishes from any
kernel distribution, or of which there is a superior alternative already

if there's a superior alternative already available staging isn't needed (like the e1000 split), but I have also seen many new systems added to the kernel that the author thinks covers all the old ones, only to find out when people get it in the real world that it doesn't cover all existing hardware. but this is an existing problem that is already being handled.

if it clearly doesn't work that is also fine with me.

however, that is not the criteria that has been expressed.

from earlier in this thread

- For drivers currently in the kernel tree, that the subsystem
maintainer, for whatever reason, feels is obsolete / broken /
needs major cleaning / wants to get rid of, can be submitted
to the staging maintainer to be moved to the drivers/staging/

it's the 'needs major cleaning' and 'wants to get rid of' portions that concern me the most.

'obsolete' can mean that there is a superior alternative available, or it could mean that the hardware the driver supports has not been manufactured in several years (or, depending who you ask, several weeks ;-)

David Lang
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