Re: removing existing working drivers via staging

From: david
Date: Thu Oct 15 2009 - 15:51:08 EST

On Thu, 15 Oct 2009, Stefan Richter wrote:

david@xxxxxxx wrote:
a driver in staging will be able to build, but a driver that was removed
after 6-9 months that a user discovered the removal of a year later when
they upgraded to a new distro release (say a normal ubuntu release after
staying on the old one for the 18 month support period) is likely to
need significant work to catch up with kernel changes in the meanwhile.

I don't think this new mechanism is meant to be, or can ever be, a way
to remove things that work and that users need.

the problem I have is that the criteria that I have seen voiced for why something would move into staging does not require that it not work. it just requires that it need 'cleanup' of some sort.

removing something that worked always runs a significant risk that someone out there 'needs' it (sometimes removing something that's broken, but works in some cases causes similar problems)

Hence the timeline of 3 releases per <20091015164726.GA10125@xxxxxxx>
affects developers/ janitors much more than end users.

it may be that I've jumped the gun here with my concerns, and should just wait until something actually gets moved to staging to see what the actual policies are going to be in practice, but the policies as written seem to be very loose.

David Lang
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