Spitz battery questions

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Wed Oct 14 2009 - 07:23:27 EST


I did some measurements of spitz battery subsystem; maybe they are
useful for someone.

Unfortunately, concistent numbers are quite hard: longer/thinner
cables mean lower voltage and also lower currents :-(. I get quite
consistents 5V at power supply, but it goes down to 4.5..4.2V when it
reaches zaurus behind ampermeter. (Is zaurus even able to charge
battery properly from such low voltage?)

One big surprise was wlan CF card, eating +200mA when initialized.

I'm working on drivers/power/spitz_battery driver, and I'll need to
know conversion between ADC readings and milivolts; does someone have

Does someone have better/more reliable/other power consumption numbers?


Idle, charging, no backlight, linux 2.6.26: 200mA @ 4.8V
bl 1: 310mA
bl 10: 315mA
bl 20 340mA
bl 30: 390mA
bl 40: 440mA
bl 47: 445mA
disk is spinning: +50mA
find /: +200mA
cat /dev/zero: +100mA
make: +240mA

charging, powerdown: 380mA..440mA
charging, ROM menu: 550mA
D+M monitor, not charging: 170mA
D+M monitor, half charging: 280mA
D+M monitor, full charging: 480mA..550mA

Charging in ROM, 23:17: 260mA
23:21: 245mA
23:25: 230mA
23:34: 205mA
0:08: 100mA
0:29: 80mA, charger LED is off

Charging in ROM, from empty @ 8:35: 610mA
8:38: 555mA
8:45: 545mA
8:50: 540mA
9:01: 540mA
9:18: 530mA
9:36: 520mA
9:45: 505mA
9:51: 480mA
10:15: 365mA
10:48: 250mA
11:01: 225mA
11:31: 180mA
11:38: 170mA
12:48: 80mA, charger LED is off.

Measured @ li-ion battery.
ROM <7mA
Linux 2.6.26 suspend: 7.5mA, 10mA?!
Linux 2.6.26, fully running, charger connected: 50uA :-(
100mA charge

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