Re: [PATCH] pci: fix crash about old IA64 about pci_cfg_space_size

From: Brad Spengler
Date: Mon Oct 12 2009 - 09:57:35 EST

> So how about we go back to adding that check ... this does require that
> SGI's 750 machine reports its SAL revision correctly. Could you send
> the dmesg?

The dmesg of the working kernel:
The output of lspci -vvxxxx:
The output of lspci -tvnn:

I don't have a serial console hooked up to the machine, and I'm not able
to scroll up/down after the panic, so I only have the following picture
from the crash. I modified the code that spews out registers on a panic
so that the context of the panic could be seen. The stack trace didn't
show anything useful, only repeats of an address similar to IP (for
which no symbols exist).


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