Re: NOHZ: local_softirq_pending 08

From: Tilman Schmidt
Date: Mon Oct 12 2009 - 07:26:42 EST

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 03:32:46 -0700 (PDT), David Miller wrote:
> The PPP receive paths in ppp_generic.c do a local_bh_disable()/
> local_bh_enable() around packet receiving (via ppp_recv_lock()/
> ppp_recv_unlock() in ppp_do_recv).
> So at least that part is perfectly fine.
> ppp_input(), as called from ppp_sync_process(), also disables BH's
> around ppp_do_recv() calls (via read_lock_bh()/read_unlock_bh()).
> So that's fine too.
> Do you have a bug report or are you just scanning around looking
> for trouble? :-)

I have encountered the message in the subject during a test of
the Gigaset CAPI driver, and would like to determine whether
it's a bug in the driver, a bug somewhere else, or no bug at
all. The test scenario was PPP over ISDN with pppd+capiplugin.
In an alternative scenario, also PPP over ISDN but with
smpppd+capidrv, the message did not occur.

Johannes' answer pointed me to the netif_rx() function.
The Gigaset driver itself doesn't call that function at all.
In the scenario where I saw the message, it was the SYNC_PPP
line discipline that did. But from your explanation I gather
that the cause cannot lie there.

So now I'm looking for other possible causes of that message.

- --
Tilman Schmidt E-Mail: tilman@xxxxxxx
Bonn, Germany
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