Re: [BUGFIX -v7] x86, MCE: Fix bugs and issues of MCE log ringbuffer
From: Huang Ying
Date: Mon Sep 21 2009 - 01:37:30 EST
Hi, Ingo,
I think it is a interesting idea to replace the original MCE logging
part implementation (MCE log ring buffer + /dev/mcelog misc device) with
tracing infrastructure. The tracing infrastructure has definitely more
features than original method, but it is more complex than original
method too.
The tracing infrastructure is good at tracing. But I think it may be too
complex to be used as a (hardware) error processing mechanism. I think
the error processing should be simple and relatively independent with
other part of the kernel to avoid triggering more (hardware) error
during error processing. What do you think about this?
Even if we will reach consensus at some point to re-write MCE logging
part totally. We still need to fix the bugs in original implementation
before the new implementation being ready. Do you agree?
Best Regards,
Huang Ying
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