PCIe : PCI-Express or actually PCI-EISA ?

From: Robert M. Stockmann
Date: Wed Sep 09 2009 - 19:48:03 EST


PCIe : PCI-Express or actually PCI-EISA ?

After patching the e1000e driver for the Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit
Ethernet card on PCIe to compile with gcc2 on linux-2.4 [1], it dawned
on me that this driver actually makes use of some old EISA DMA
buffering code as found inside e1000.h :

"/usr/include/sys/eisa.h" [2]:

* *
* Copyright ( C ) 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain *
* unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and *
* are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed *
* to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or *
* in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *

#ifndef _SYS_EISA_H
#define _SYS_EISA_H

#ident "$Revision: 1.7 $"

#include <sys/kmem.h>

* EISA register set

[ ...... ]

* eisa dma buffer descriptor structure
struct eisa_dma_buf {
uint_t count; /* size of block */
paddr_t address; /* phys addr of data block */
struct eisa_dma_buf *next_buf; /* next buffer descriptor */
paddr_t stopval; /* ring buf stop */

* eisa dma command block structure
struct eisa_dma_cb {
struct eisa_dma_buf *reqrbufs; /* list of reqr data bufs */
union modes {
struct {
mreqr_ringstop:1, /* use channel's stop reg? */
mreqr_eop:1, /* is EOP input/output */
mreqr_timing:2, /* A,B,C,ISA compat */
mreqr_path:2, /* 8/16/32 */
:2, /* reserved */
mtrans_type:2, /* Single/Demand/Blck/Cascade */
mtarg_step:1, /* Inc/Dec */
mcommand:2, /* Read/Write/Translate/Verify*/
:2; /* reserved */
} m;
ushort_t mode;
} mu;
uchar_t bufprocess; /* single/chain/autoinit */
uchar_t reqr_bswap; /* byte swap data on/off */
void *procparam; /* parameter buf for app call */
int (*proc)(void*); /* addr of app call routine */

#define reqr_ringstop mu.m.mreqr_ringstop
#define reqr_eop mu.m.mreqr_eop
#define reqr_timing mu.m.mreqr_timing
#define reqr_path mu.m.mreqr_path
#define trans_type mu.m.mtrans_type
#define targ_step mu.m.mtarg_step
#define cb_cmd mu.m.mcommand
#define moderegs mu.mode

* Command block defines (conforms to eisa reg values,
* do not modify)

/* reqr_ringstop */
#define EISA_DMA_RING_OFF 0 /* don't use stop reg */
#define EISA_DMA_RING_ON 1 /* use stop reg */

/* reqr_eop */
#define EISA_DMA_EOP_OUTPUT 0 /* EOP is output */
#define EISA_DMA_EOP_INPUT 1 /* EOP is input */

/* reqr_timing */
#define EISA_DMA_TIME_ISA 0 /* ISA compat mode timing */
#define EISA_DMA_TIME_A 1 /* type A timing */
#define EISA_DMA_TIME_B 2 /* type B timing */

[ ...... ]"

So its not far fetched to describe PCIe for what it really
is : a fast edition of the PCI bus with EISA capabilities.


[1] e1000e-

[2] /usr/include/sys/eisa.h
taken from IRIX 5.3 (c)1993 SGi
Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist
crashrecovery.org stock@xxxxxxxxxxx

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