[ANNOUNCE] Gujin GPL bootloader version 2.6

From: Etienne Lorrain
Date: Tue May 12 2009 - 18:08:02 EST

There is a new version v2.6 of Gujin at http://gujin.sf.net with

bugfixes and improvement, like:

- Better PCI BIOS to detect IDE interfaces (SATA CDROM at non

conventional address)

- Better EDID BIOS support (screen definition detection)

- Fix modification of *.iso images, fix ELF32/64 handling by

tiny images.

- works with GCC-4.4, works with every distribution-provided

compiler I tested.

- Align by default the clusters of FAT16/32 filesystems even if

the start of the partition isn't aligned, generate FAT32 useable

by Windows.

- Completely remove the support for zImage and for locating

the ELF in the Linux kernel, now only the official way to boot a

bzImage Linux kernel is possible, and *.kgz files have to be

compressed ELF32/64 files.

- Gives few examples of ELF32 and ELF64 bootable kgz files,

with and without memory relocation by using ld option --emit-relocs:

see hello*.kgz in Makefile.

- Generate a "gujin" executable, which is "instboot + few embedded

boot images" for either 32 or 64 bits Linux, to use like (as root):

-> to install the way GRUB or LILO installs themselves:

./gujin /boot/gujin.ebios

-> to remove (and re-install previous bootloader)

./gujin --remove=/dev/sda && rm /boot/gujin.ebios

-> to initialise a "superfloppy" FAT filesystem on a USB drive:

umount /dev/sdz* # device /dev/sdz will be ERASED

./gujin --disk=BIOS:0x0,auto /dev/sdz

-> to transform a bootable ISO file and write it to a USB stick:

umount /dev/sdz* # device /dev/sdz will be ERASED

./gujin eeebuntu-2.0-standard.iso \\

&& cat eeebuntu-2.0-standard.iso > /dev/sdz && sync

-> for more example, use gujin without parameters,

or with --help parameter.

The simplest bootable "hello world" kgz file is:

/* To be compiled by:

$ gcc -m32 -Wall -O2 -s -static -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs \

-Wl,-Ttext=0x110000 hello.c -o hello.elf

$ gzip -9 hello.elf -c > hello.kgz


const char msg1[] = "Hello protected-mode text world! please reboot ...";

#define STACKSIZE 64 * 1024

static unsigned stack[STACKSIZE / 4] __attribute__ ((aligned(32)));

void _start (void)


/* We are flat non-paged memory and interrupt disabled */

asm (" mov %0,%%esp " : : "i" (&stack[STACKSIZE / 4]));

/* This work only in text modes (assumed mode 3), video

memory at real mode address 0xB800:0000. At this address,

we shall write two bytes per char, one containing the foreground

and background color, the other containing the letter: */

volatile unsigned short *video_array
= (volatile unsigned short *)0xB8000;

unsigned cpt1;

video_array += 10 * 80; /* few empty lines */

/* We want blue background color and lightgray foreground: */

for (cpt1 = 0; cpt1 < sizeof(msg1) - 1; cpt1++)

video_array[cpt1] = 0x1700 + msg1[cpt1];

while (1)



Downloads at:


Have fun,


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