Re: [PATCH] sata_sx4: refresh and convert to new EH

From: Jeff Garzik
Date: Mon Apr 13 2009 - 05:09:22 EST

Alexander Beregalov wrote:
2009/4/12 Jeff Garzik <jeff@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Alexander Beregalov wrote:
2009/4/9 Jeff Garzik <jeff@xxxxxxxxxx>:
I reviewed and refreshed libata-dev.git#new-eh, now renamed to #sx4.

Several bugs and missing pieces in the new-EH conversion were addressed
(often by copying highly similar code from sata_promise, a highly
similar chip)

The only thing left is some "it still works" testing... any takers?

Hi Jeff

I have SX4000 card, it is based on the same PDC20621 chip, but has PATA
(without PATA-SATA bridges).
Can I help?

I am newbie here, but I will try to modify the driver to support PATA
card as well
and test your patch.
It's unknown how well, or what is needed, to support the SX4000. You are
welcome to dive in and figure out what is needed, but you'd be asking
questions to which we wouldn't have answers.

I found Promise provided docs for FreeBSD team.

Well, you can find several docs at

I do have the sx4000 in the works (thanks to Promise who has provided docs
and HW to make this happen)..
Can we ask them too? :)

Interesting, I cut off all unrelated lines from freebsd/ata/ata-chipset.c
and it seems SX4/SX4000 driver is only about 700 lines long.

The current FreeBSD has split up things into multiple files. You can check out the kernel via

cd $repo
mkdir -p freebsd/src
cd freebsd
svn checkout svn:// src/sys
cd src/sys/dev/ata/chipsets

and indeed ata-promise.c has plenty of SX4[000] goodies to mess around with!

Also, check out this stuff from sata_promise maintainer Mikael:

My revised sata_sx4.c is currently stored on the "sx4" branch of


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