qcserial/gobi firmware loader

From: Matthew Garrett
Date: Sat Apr 04 2009 - 11:27:51 EST

I've reimplemented Alexander's shell scripts for firmware loading in C
and added a udev rule to automatically trigger the loading[1]. Thanks to
Sergey's hint I've added checksumming support so it should work on other
firmwares as well. The firmware needs to be obtained somehow and then
put in /lib/firmware/gobi, but should then automatically load when the
device is ready.

You can download this at http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/gobi_loader/

[1] The firmware to be loaded depends on the user's network, so I can't
think of an especially clean way of doing this in kernel.
Matthew Garrett | mjg59@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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