Re: [RFC PATCH 02/17] vbus: add virtual-bus definitions

From: Ben Hutchings
Date: Thu Apr 02 2009 - 12:06:44 EST

On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 14:42 -0400, Gregory Haskins wrote:
> +Create a device instance
> +------------------------
> +
> +Devices are instantiated by again utilizing the /config/vbus configfs area.
> +At first you may suspect that devices are created as subordinate objects of a
> +bus/container instance, but you would be mistaken.

This is kind of patronising; why don't you simply lay out how things
_do_ work?

> Devices are actually
> +root-level objects in vbus specifically to allow greater flexibility in the
> +association of a device. For instance, it may be desirable to have a single
> +device that spans multiple VMs (consider an ethernet switch, or a shared disk
> +for a cluster). Therefore, device lifecycles are managed by creating/deleting
> +objects in /config/vbus/devices.
> +
> +Note: Creating a device instance is actually a two step process: We need to
> +give the device instance a unique name, and we also need to give it a specific
> +device type. It is hard to express both parameters using standard filesystem
> +operations like mkdir, so the design decision was made to require performing
> +the operation in two steps.

How about exposing a subdir for each device class under
/config/vbus/devices/ and allowing device creation only within those?
Two-stage construction is a pain for both users and implementors.

> +At this point, we are ready to roll. Pid 4382 has access to a virtual-bus
> +namespace with one device, id=0. Its type is:
> +
> +# cat /sys/vbus/instances/beb4df8f-7483-4028-b3f7-767512e2a18c/devices/0/type
> +virtual-ethernet
> +
> +"virtual-ethernet"? Why is it not "venet-tap"? Device-classes are allowed to
> +register their interfaces under an id that is not required to be the same as
> +their deviceclass. This supports device polymorphism. For instance,
> +consider that an interface "virtual-ethernet" may provide basic 802.x packet
> +exchange. However, we could have various implementations of a device that
> +supports the 802.x interface, while having various implementations behind
> +them.

It seems to me that your "device-classes" correspond to drivers and
"interfaces" correspond to device classes in the LDM. To avoid
confusion, I think the vbus terminology should be made consistent with
LDM. And certainly these should not both be called simply "type" in the
configfs/sysfs interface.


Ben Hutchings, Senior Software Engineer, Solarflare Communications
Not speaking for my employer; that's the marketing department's job.
They asked us to note that Solarflare product names are trademarked.

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