Re: /proc/sys/net/ip*/conf/all/* does not actually affectinterfaces

From: martin f krafft
Date: Mon Mar 02 2009 - 13:55:40 EST

also sprach martin f krafft <madduck@xxxxxxxxxxx> [2009.03.02.1327 +0100]:
> A bit of investigation shows that something fishy is going on, or
> at least it's unexpected to me, because I recall the conf/all/*
> interface to do what it promised to do a while ago. Not anymore
> though.

Sorry for being an idiot and not including the important data: this
happens on Debian kernels 2.6.24-.28 across several machines.
I checked the Debian diff but could not find anything that seems
related, and I reproduced it with 2.6.29-rc6-git5.


martin | |

the security, stability and reliability of a computer system
is reciprocally proportional to
the amount of vacuity between the ears of the admin.

spamtraps: madduck.bogus@xxxxxxxxxxx

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