Re: Hi! I've noticed that advertises 2.6.28 as "The lateststable version of the Linux kernel is".

From: David Newall
Date: Mon Dec 29 2008 - 09:02:47 EST

Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> instead of these rants bug reports would be more useful.

Igor didn't rant, not even a little bit, and it reflects poorly on you
that you engage in hyperbole rather than hear his story. In fact, or at
least in my opinion as a computer programmer with 30 years experience,
he's right: A newly stable kernel is not stable. He might even be right
about regressions since 2.6.24.

It's a sorry day when somebody making a simple, reasonable and accurate
feedback is criticised for not providing bug reports. But don't let him
(or me) stop you guys from toasting your fine success. You believe it's
stable; what more could anyone want?
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