Re: > There are actually more stable versions available but theyare not advertised

From: Ãric Piel
Date: Mon Dec 29 2008 - 08:49:38 EST

Igor Podlesny schreef:
> 2008/12/29 Ãric Piel <eric.piel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Igor Podlesny schreef:
>>> Actually that's either a mistake or I don't know what you guys call "a
>>> stable version".
>> [removing all the part which needs bug report numbers]
>> I agree with you that the website is not very clear for someone not
>> accustomed to the Linux kernel development. There are actually more
>> stable versions available but they are not advertised. Maybe there
>> should be more trees displayed, something like this:
>> The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2.6.28
>> The previous stable version of the Linux kernel is:
>> The latest longtime version of the Linux kernel is:
> Well, I'd call those versions stable if there were ongoing bugfixes
> (if affected) backporting to it. Otherwise these are rather "outdated"
> versions.
That's _exactly_ what those trees are about: backporting bugfixes.
Let's call them stable then ;-)

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