Re: unexpected extra pollout events from epoll

From: Paul P
Date: Sun Oct 26 2008 - 23:48:48 EST

> Which version of epoll do you have? The epoll_wait()
> function does not
> accept an event mask (like you write above,

lol, I was a bit tired when I wrote that. Ok, ignore the stuff related
to epoll_wait in my previous post.

> As optimization, if the EPOLLOUT bit is already set, you
> don't need to
> keep calling epoll_ctl(fd,MOD,EPOLLOUT).

This is good to know.

So, I've got a few questions about what happens to data that accumulates
while I am sending and the fd is set to EPOLLOUT? If I am send out a
large buffer and incoming data wants to stream in on a full duplex
connection, what happens to that data when I am processing the socket
while it is in epollout mode?

Is the following accurate? When data comes in while I am sending, I guess
the data fills up the receive buffers until they are full and then it
stops accepting data until it is cleared out? When I switch back to
EPOLLIN, I'm guessing that I will get a notification on that fd that there
is data waiting.

The other question I have is there a way to do full-duplex networking so
that I can receive network messages while I am sending or vice versa? It
seems that the method of switching the socket between EPOLLIN and EPOLLOUT
means that I can't do both operations simultaneously. Thanks


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