Re: [PATCH] wireless: fix regression caused by regulatory configoption

From: Johannes Berg
Date: Sun Oct 26 2008 - 16:23:26 EST

On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 13:18 -0700, Arjan van de Ven wrote:

> > Is it common practice to have compatibility options default to
> > "y"? I'm not saying it shouldn't be, just wondering if it has been
> > traditionally?
> yes
> default should be "keep working as before"
> it's not always nice, especially if you're trying to get rid of some
> nasty stuff, but think of it this way: you should be able to use a
> new kernel on an existing distro, at least for a reasonable type of
> distro (eg something shipped in, say, the last 2 years). In this case:
> even Fedora 10 is not likely to work!

Well, actually, it _ought_ to work fine, with a smaller set of channels,
but you seem to be hit an iwlwifi bug that triggers only with this,
which is rather odd.


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