Da903x regulator driver. Bug?

From: Jonathan Cameron
Date: Fri Oct 24 2008 - 12:23:21 EST

Firstly, is lkml the right place to ask questions about regulator drivers?

Secondly, though I can't track down any examples, I'm guessing the following
is a valid board config for the da903x reg etc.

static struct regulator_init_data stargate2_ld8_init_data = {
.supply_regulator_dev = NULL,
.constraints = {
.name = "vdd_mica",
.min_uV = 1800000,
.max_uV = 1900000,
.valid_modes_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE,

/* playing with this ld0 as it only goes to an external connector */
static struct da903x_subdev_info stargate2_da9030_subdevs[] = {
.name = "da903x-regulator",
.id = DA9030_ID_LDO8,
.platform_data = &stargate2_ld8_init_data,

static struct da903x_platform_data stargate2_da9030_pdata = {
.num_subdevs = ARRAY_SIZE(stargate2_da9030_subdevs),
.subdevs = stargate2_da9030_subdevs,
static struct i2c_board_info __initdata stargate2_pwr_i2c_board_info [] = {
.type = "da9030",
.addr = 0x49,
.platform_data = &stargate2_da9030_pdata,
.irq = gpio_to_irq(1),

// and relevant registration code.

Now if this is now things are expected to be, there is a bug in
regulators/da903x.c in da903x_regulator_probe

rdev = regulator_register(&ri->desc, pdev->dev.parent, ri);

should be

rdev = regulator_register(&ri->desc, &pdev->dev, ri);

or else you aren't going to get the constraint. I think the
first will give you the device of the mfd, not the regulator.


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