Re: [patch 05/11] [PATCH 05/11] x86: Moved microcode.c to microcode_intel.c.

From: Giacomo A. Catenazzi
Date: Fri Sep 12 2008 - 10:08:59 EST

Arjan van de Ven wrote:
On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 13:54:20 +0200
Peter Oruba <peter.oruba@xxxxxxx> wrote:


could you please provide some more information about that issue?

well.. the fedora boot script just plain fails.
I suspect it manually loads microcode.ko or something if CPUID says
intel; and this now stops working...

Also Debian manually load the module, and it remove it
after upgrading microcode (no need to have the
driver loaded after boot), so changing the name of
module is not so fortunate, also considering the
long releases cycle of Debian.

I would like to have a single microcode module for the
two drivers: generic kernel need both (thus reduce
overhead); specialized kernel are configured only with
the relevant driver, so no additional overhead.


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