Re: linux-2.6.27-rc5, new msgs in log

From: Gene Heskett
Date: Fri Aug 29 2008 - 06:49:01 EST


x86 box, athlon xp-2800, 1 GB ram, built w/o the 4GB switch enabled so
it is only seeing 8xx megs, new build with that re-enabled in progress.

I have been building the radeon firmware in my kernels since the initial
patch adding them came out at about rc2 or so, as my build script carries
my old .config's forward before doing a 'make oldconfig', and by copying
the patches resultant firmware/radeon tree forward to each new -rcX.

I am now seeing these in the messages file:
Aug 29 01:16:05 coyote kernel: [ 363.201194] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80076100 0x00000000
Aug 29 01:16:05 coyote kernel: [ 363.212257] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80026138 0x00000000
Aug 29 01:22:29 coyote kernel: [ 747.797152] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80066100 0x00000000

That was at bootup time, and 20 minutes ago when I woke the monitor up again:
Aug 29 06:19:32 coyote kernel: [18570.160855] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80066107 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:20:26 coyote kernel: [18624.592825] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80066100 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:20:38 coyote kernel: [18636.513621] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x8006610F 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:20:42 coyote kernel: [18640.370596] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80066107 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:20:49 coyote kernel: [18647.200431] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x8006610F 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:20:53 coyote kernel: [18651.481310] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80066100 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:21:44 coyote kernel: [18702.575087] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x8006610F 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:21:49 coyote kernel: [18707.424341] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80076100 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:21:58 coyote kernel: [18716.581872] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80066107 0x00000000
Aug 29 06:22:28 coyote kernel: [18745.979819] [drm] wait for fifo failed status : 0x80066107 0x00000000

Do I have a problem or has the driver just been made noisier?


Cheers, Gene
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