Microblaze dts_v1 for kernel.org

From: Michal Simek
Date: Fri Jul 04 2008 - 07:11:31 EST

Hi Jon, David and others,

I made some changes in my FDT generator. Here is the output for my testing platform.
Could you check this generated DTS file?

I would like to push the similar file with Microblaze kernel. (I'll do more generic DTS file with generic name and remove some unsupported peripherals)

For Steve: I'll send to you these changes later.

Michal Simek


/ {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,microblaze";
model = "testing";
DDR_SDRAM_32Mx16: memory@20000000 {
device_type = "memory";
reg = < 0x20000000 0x4000000 >;
} ;
chosen {
bootargs = "console=ttyUL0,115200";
} ;
cpus {
#address-cells = <1>;
#cpus = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
microblaze_0: cpu@0 {
clock-frequency = <50000000>;
compatible = "xlnx,microblaze-7.00.b";
d-cache-baseaddr = <0x20000000>;
d-cache-highaddr = <0x21ffffff>;
d-cache-line-size = <0x10>;
d-cache-size = <0x4000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-baseaddr = <0x20000000>;
i-cache-highaddr = <0x21ffffff>;
i-cache-line-size = <0x10>;
i-cache-size = <0x4000>;
model = "microblaze,7.00.b";
reg = <0>;
timebase-frequency = <50000000>;
xlnx,addr-tag-bits = <0xb>;
xlnx,allow-dcache-wr = <0x1>;
xlnx,allow-icache-wr = <0x1>;
xlnx,area-optimized = <0x0>;
xlnx,cache-byte-size = <0x4000>;
xlnx,d-lmb = <0x1>;
xlnx,d-opb = <0x0>;
xlnx,d-plb = <0x1>;
xlnx,data-size = <0x20>;
xlnx,dcache-addr-tag = <0xb>;
xlnx,dcache-byte-size = <0x4000>;
xlnx,dcache-line-len = <0x4>;
xlnx,dcache-use-fsl = <0x1>;
xlnx,debug-enabled = <0x1>;
xlnx,div-zero-exception = <0x1>;
xlnx,dopb-bus-exception = <0x0>;
xlnx,dynamic-bus-sizing = <0x1>;
xlnx,edge-is-positive = <0x1>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,fpu-exception = <0x1>;
xlnx,fsl-data-size = <0x20>;
xlnx,fsl-exception = <0x0>;
xlnx,fsl-links = <0x1>;
xlnx,i-lmb = <0x1>;
xlnx,i-opb = <0x0>;
xlnx,i-plb = <0x1>;
xlnx,icache-line-len = <0x4>;
xlnx,icache-use-fsl = <0x1>;
xlnx,ill-opcode-exception = <0x1>;
xlnx,instance = "microblaze_0";
xlnx,interconnect = <0x1>;
xlnx,interrupt-is-edge = <0x0>;
xlnx,iopb-bus-exception = <0x0>;
xlnx,mmu-dtlb-size = <0x4>;
xlnx,mmu-itlb-size = <0x2>;
xlnx,mmu-tlb-access = <0x3>;
xlnx,mmu-zones = <0x2>;
xlnx,number-of-pc-brk = <0x3>;
xlnx,number-of-rd-addr-brk = <0x3>;
xlnx,number-of-wr-addr-brk = <0x3>;
xlnx,opcode-0x0-illegal = <0x1>;
xlnx,pvr = <0x2>;
xlnx,pvr-user1 = <0x12>;
xlnx,pvr-user2 = <0x12345678>;
xlnx,reset-msr = <0x0>;
xlnx,sco = <0x0>;
xlnx,unaligned-exceptions = <0x1>;
xlnx,use-barrel = <0x1>;
xlnx,use-dcache = <0x1>;
xlnx,use-div = <0x1>;
xlnx,use-extended-fsl-instr = <0x0>;
xlnx,use-fpu = <0x2>;
xlnx,use-hw-mul = <0x2>;
xlnx,use-icache = <0x1>;
xlnx,use-mmu = <0x3>;
xlnx,use-msr-instr = <0x1>;
xlnx,use-pcmp-instr = <0x1>;
} ;
} ;
mb_plb: plb@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,plb-v46-1.00.a", "simple-bus";
ranges ;
Buttons_3Bit: gpio@40800000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 6 0x2 >;
reg = < 0x40800000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,all-inputs = <0x1>;
xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,gpio-width = <0x3>;
xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x1>;
xlnx,is-bidir = <0x0>;
xlnx,is-bidir-2 = <0x1>;
xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;
xlnx,tri-default = <0xffffffff>;
xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xffffffff>;
} ;
Character_LCD_2x16: gpio@40900000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";
reg = < 0x40900000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,all-inputs = <0x0>;
xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,gpio-width = <0x7>;
xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x0>;
xlnx,is-bidir = <0x1>;
xlnx,is-bidir-2 = <0x1>;
xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;
xlnx,tri-default = <0xffffffff>;
xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xffffffff>;
} ;
DIP_Switches_4Bit: gpio@40700000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 7 0x2 >;
reg = < 0x40700000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,all-inputs = <0x1>;
xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,gpio-width = <0x4>;
xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x1>;
xlnx,is-bidir = <0x0>;
xlnx,is-bidir-2 = <0x1>;
xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;
xlnx,tri-default = <0xffffffff>;
xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xffffffff>;
} ;
Ethernet_MAC: ethernet@40c00000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-1.00.a";
device_type = "network";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 2 0x0 >;
local-mac-address = [ 02 00 00 00 00 00 ];
reg = < 0x40c00000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,duplex = <0x1>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,rx-ping-pong = <0x0>;
xlnx,tx-ping-pong = <0x0>;
} ;
LEDs_8Bit: gpio@40600000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";
reg = < 0x40600000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,all-inputs = <0x0>;
xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default = <0x0>;
xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x0>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,gpio-width = <0x8>;
xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x0>;
xlnx,is-bidir = <0x0>;
xlnx,is-bidir-2 = <0x1>;
xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;
xlnx,tri-default = <0xffffffff>;
xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xffffffff>;
} ;
RS232_DCE: serial@40200000 {
clock-frequency = <50000000>;
compatible = "xlnx,xps-uart16550-1.00.a", "ns16550";
current-speed = <9600>;
device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 4 0x2 >;
reg = < 0x40200000 0x100000 >;
reg-offset = <3>;
reg-shift = <2>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,has-external-rclk = <0x0>;
xlnx,has-external-xin = <0x0>;
xlnx,is-a-16550 = <0x1>;
} ;
RS232_DTE: serial@40100000 {
clock-frequency = <50000000>;
compatible = "xlnx,xps-uartlite-1.00.a";
device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 3 0x0 >;
port-number = <0>;
reg = < 0x40100000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,baudrate = <0x1c200>;
xlnx,data-bits = <0x8>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,odd-parity = <0x0>;
xlnx,use-parity = <0x0>;
} ;
SPI_FLASH: xps-spi@40a00000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-spi-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 5 0x2 >;
reg = < 0x40a00000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,fifo-exist = <0x1>;
xlnx,num-offchip-ss-bits = <0x4>;
xlnx,num-ss-bits = <0x4>;
xlnx,sck-ratio = <0x20>;
} ;
debug_module: debug@40300000 {
compatible = "xlnx,mdm-1.00.a";
reg = < 0x40300000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,interconnect = <0x1>;
xlnx,jtag-chain = <0x2>;
xlnx,mb-dbg-ports = <0x1>;
xlnx,uart-width = <0x8>;
xlnx,use-uart = <0x1>;
xlnx,write-fsl-ports = <0x1>;
} ;
mpmc@20000000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,mpmc-3.00.a";
} ;
xps_intc_0: interrupt-controller@40000000 {
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
compatible = "xlnx,xps-intc-1.00.a";
interrupt-controller ;
reg = < 0x40000000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,kind-of-edge = <0xc>;
xlnx,num-intr-inputs = <0x8>;
} ;
xps_timer_0: timer@40400000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-timer-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 0 0x2 >;
reg = < 0x40400000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,count-width = <0x20>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,gen0-assert = <0x1>;
xlnx,gen1-assert = <0x1>;
xlnx,one-timer-only = <0x0>;
xlnx,trig0-assert = <0x1>;
xlnx,trig1-assert = <0x1>;
} ;
xps_timer_1: timer@40500000 {
compatible = "xlnx,xps-timer-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&xps_intc_0>;
interrupts = < 1 0x2 >;
reg = < 0x40500000 0x100000 >;
xlnx,count-width = <0x20>;
xlnx,family = "spartan3e";
xlnx,gen0-assert = <0x1>;
xlnx,gen1-assert = <0x1>;
xlnx,one-timer-only = <0x1>;
xlnx,trig0-assert = <0x1>;
xlnx,trig1-assert = <0x1>;
} ;
} ;
} ;
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