Re: [PATCH 06/11] sysfs: Implement sysfs tagged directory support.

From: Benjamin Thery
Date: Thu Jul 03 2008 - 08:37:47 EST

Eric W. Biederman wrote:
Daniel Lezcano <dlezcano@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

The kobject events are sent through a netlink message which is not currently per
network namespace. Shouldn't be useful to have a way to retrieve from the
kobject the network namespace or the uevent socket associated with it ? IMHO
having idr in the kobject + netns pointer associated may help to handle the
sysfs isolation and makes the uevent per namespace trivial, no ?

Grumble. I have been conveniently been forgetting about that socket.
Similarly we have the user mode helpers to deal with.

For this conversation there is a simple answer. All of that is in the
kobject layer, and works even when you compile sysfs out of your kernel.
Therefore it is a separate problem. And sysfs idr tags have nothing
to do with it.

It is most definitely something we need to come back to. I bet there
are some interesting interactions when you have multiple network devices
with the same name generating events.

Indeed, we observed some fun things with one distro (which defines some
particular udev rules) when a device called eth0 in a namespace comes back to init net :)



B e n j a m i n T h e r y - BULL/DT/Open Software R&D
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