Re: [PATCH 1/6] UML - Deal with host time going backwards

From: Nix
Date: Thu Jun 05 2008 - 14:15:34 EST

On 5 Jun 2008, Jeff Dike verbalised:
> Aha, I was looking at timer_* and not getting reasonable-looking
> results. The one questionable aspect of this is that I need to pull
> in a new library (librt) and I wonder how many people don't have it
> installed...

It comes with glibc, and even ls uses it (for clock_gettime(), to
determine what format to use for date display).

I'd say using it is about as safe as can be.

> Anyway, the patch below seems to make the guest behave reasonably in
> the face of the host time doing funky things...
> Give it a spin and let me know how it does. If there aren't any
> problems, I'll get it into mainline.

Rebuilding for a test now.

`If you are having a "ua luea luea le ua le" kind of day, I can only
assume that you are doing no work due [to] incapacitating nausea caused
by numerous lazy demons.' --- Frossie
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