whomto.pl -- finding out whom to send patches to

From: Vegard Nossum
Date: Thu May 29 2008 - 17:02:39 EST


I've written this perl script that takes a patch as input and prints the
authors/committers of the affected lines, using git-blame as the back end.

(The purpose of this is of course to find out whom to send patches to.)

There are some caveats:

- If I've understood correctly, git-blame incremental output doesn't split
commits when a newer one is found, so we currently possibly take into
account more than just the last patch to touch a line. This might not be
a disadvantage, however...

- The patch must apply to the current working tree. I suppose there is
some way to use the index information in the patch to determine what to
run git-blame against, but this is currently beyond my git knowledge.

- It's a bit slow, particularly for large files. But doing the same thing
by hand would be slower, so I suppose it's an overall improvement.

Running this on a random -mm patch, for example
gives the following output:

$ perl whomto2.pl acpi-fix-fadt-parsing.patch
Running git-blame on drivers/acpi/tables/tbfadt.c...

To: (Committers)
48 Len Brown <len.brown@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: (Authors)
44 Bob Moore <robert.moore@xxxxxxxxx>
2 Alexey Starikovskiy <alexey.y.starikovskiy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2 Len Brown <len.brown@xxxxxxxxx>

Maybe this tool can be useful? :-)

(Improvements are of course also welcome.)


#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

for my $file (@ARGV) {

sub git_apply {
my $filename = shift;

my @args = (

open(my $fh, '-|', @args) || die $!;
my @b = <$fh>;
close $fh;

return $? ? undef : 1;

sub git_blame {
my $filename = shift;

my @args = (

open(my $fh, '-|', @args) || die $!;
chomp(my @b = <$fh>);
close $fh;

my %info = ();

my %commits = ();

my @blames = ();
my $blame;

my $start = 1;
for (@b) {
if ($start) {
my($sha1, $source, $result, $num) = split;

$blame = {
sha1 => $sha1,
source => $source,
result => $result,
num => $num,

%info = ();

$start = 0;

my($key, $value) = split m/ /, $_, 2;
$info{$key} = $value;

if ($key eq 'filename') {
my $sha1 = $blame->{sha1};
$commits{$sha1} = {%info} unless exists $commits{$sha1};

push @blames, $blame;
$start = 1

return $? ? undef : {
commits => \%commits,
blames => \@blames,

sub parse_patch {
my $filename = shift;

open(my $fh, '<', $filename);
chomp(my @p = <$fh>);

my %headers = ();
for my $line (@p) {
last if $line eq '';

if(my($key, $value) = split m/: /, $line, 2) {
$headers{$key} = $value;

my %files = ();
my $file;

for (@p) {
if (m/^--- .*?\/([^\s~]*)/) {
$file = $files{$1} = {
chunks => [],

if (m/^@@ -(\d+),(\d+) \+\d+,\d+ @@/) {
push @{$file->{chunks}}, [$1, $2];

return {
headers => \%headers,
files => \%files,

sub min {
return $_[0] if $_[0] < $_[1];
return $_[1];

sub max {
return $_[0] if $_[0] > $_[1];
return $_[1];

sub range_intersect {
return [max($_[0], $_[2]), min($_[1], $_[3])];

sub range_size {
return 0 if $_[0]->[0] > $_[0]->[1];
return $_[0]->[1] - $_[0]->[0] + 1;

sub check_chunk {
my $blame = shift;
my $chunk = shift;

my @results = ();

my $a = $chunk->[0];
my $b = $chunk->[0] + $chunk->[1] - 1;

my $blames = $blame->{blames};
for my $blame_chunk (@$blames) {
my $c = $blame_chunk->{source};
my $d = $blame_chunk->{source} + $blame_chunk->{num} - 1;

my $size = range_size(range_intersect($a, $b, $c, $d));
if ($size > 0) {
push @results, {
sha1 => $blame_chunk->{sha1},
size => $size,

return \@results;

sub best_email {
my $emails = shift;

my $best = (keys %$emails)[0];
for my $email (keys %$emails) {
$best = $email if $emails->{$email} < $emails->{$best};

return $best;

sub hash_sort {
my $h = shift;

return sort { $h->{$a} <=> $h->{$b} } keys %$h;

sub check {
my $filename = shift;

# First try to apply the patch. This makes sure the patched files
# exist in the first place, and that the line numbers are semi-
# correct.
git_apply($filename) || die "Patch won't apply.\n";

# Get files and line numbers from the patch.
my $patch = parse_patch($filename);

my %all_commits = ();
my @all_results = ();

my $files = $patch->{'files'};
for my $file (keys %$files) {
printf STDERR "Running git-blame on %s...\n", $file;

my $blame = git_blame($file) || die "git-blame failed\n";

%all_commits = (%all_commits, %{$blame->{commits}});

my $chunks = $files->{$file}->{chunks};
for my $chunk (@$chunks) {
push @all_results, @{check_chunk($blame, $chunk)};

print STDERR "\n";

# Flatten the commit data to store person -> email information
my %emails = ();
for my $commit (values %all_commits) {
my $author = $commit->{author};
my $author_mail = $commit->{'author-mail'};
$emails{$author} = {} unless exists $emails{$author};
$emails{$author}->{$author_mail} = 0 unless exists $emails{$author}->{$author_mail};

my $committer = $commit->{committer};
my $committer_mail = $commit->{'committer-mail'};
$emails{$committer} = {} unless exists $emails{$committer};
$emails{$committer}->{$committer_mail} = 0 unless exists $emails{$committer}->{$committer_mail};

# Find authors and committers...
my %authors = ();
my %committers = ();
for my $result (@all_results) {
my $commit = $all_commits{$result->{sha1}};
my $author = $commit->{author};
my $committer = $commit->{committer};

$authors{$author} = 0 unless exists $authors{$author};
$authors{$author} += $result->{size};

$committers{$committer} = 0 unless exists $committers{$committer};
$committers{$committer} += $result->{size};

print "To: (Committers)\n";
for my $committer (reverse hash_sort \%committers) {
printf "%6d %s %s\n",

print "Cc: (Authors)\n";
for my $author (reverse hash_sort \%authors) {
printf "%6d %s %s\n",
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