Re: [X86] Fix up silly i1586 boot message.

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Wed May 28 2008 - 13:48:18 EST

On Wednesday 2008-05-28 18:57, Dave Jones wrote:

>Trying to boot a 64-bit kernel on a 32bit Pentium 4 gets
>you an amusing message along the lines of.
>"you need an x86-64, but you only have an i1586"
>due to the P4 being family F. Munge it to be 686.

What is wrong with it? If i386, 486, 586 and 686 are valid names,
why should not 786 (or rather 1586... since someone thought it
would be cool to jump the number^1) be?

[^1 Which also is interesting because the original number had an 80
prepended, i.e. 80286, 80586,... and you'd guess what number 1586
would map to.]
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