Re: [PATCH 0/4] (RESEND) ext3[34] barrier changes

From: Jamie Lokier
Date: Wed May 21 2008 - 15:43:23 EST

Andrew Morton wrote:
> > And as long as your 100% confident that UPS's will never fail,
> > janitors will never accidentally hit the Emergency Power Office
> > switch, and so on.
> Well. The product of two very small numbers is...

Another unquantified very small number.

You have a UPS, but the first time you discover it's not wired up
properly is when it fails.

This happened recently in a customer's office... The UPS power wiring
melted, leaving a big stinking hole, and all the servers went down -

Another is misconfiguring the UPS daemon so it continues writing to
disk for 30 minutes until the battery runs down...

Like the chance of two disks going wrong in a RAID at the same
time... that would *never* happen would it?

*tip-toes out of the room*

-- Jamie
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