Re: Slow DOWN, please!!!

From: Alan Cox
Date: Thu May 01 2008 - 05:27:25 EST

> - opens all the debates about running parallel branches, such as, would
> it be better to /branch/ for 2.6.X-rc, and then keep going full steam on
> the trunk? After all, the primary logic behind 2.6.X-rc is to only take

That encourages developers to continue ignoring that stabilizing work.
The stall does have a side effect of refocussing them. A branch for -rc
and a monthly cycle would be interesting as it would mean that the
pushback for not fixing stability problems would be not getting you work
pulled for the main tree if you didn't fix the bugs first - and could be
both sufficient an incentive and not too vicious as it would be with a 2
month cycle.

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