Utility tool for dm-ioband.

From: KAIZUKA Hiroyuki
Date: Thu Apr 24 2008 - 07:51:32 EST

Hi everyone,

I made a utility tool for dm-ioband version 0.0.4, named iobandctl.

It enables you to easily apply I/O bandwidth control to an entire disk,
and manage it. It helps you set the percentage of bandwidth
to give each partition, and each user, process, group, or cgroup.
(You are not able to use cgroup support yet, because the dm-ioband
patch to enable cgroup support (http://lwn.net/Articles/273802/)
is not ported to linux-2.6.25, but it will be soon.)

You can download it and find the manual at

This is a prototype code.
So, I'd like to hear your requests.
Feature fixed, it is going to be re-written in C.

KAIZUKA Hiroyuki
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