display class questions in the kernel?

From: john chen
Date: Mon Mar 17 2008 - 13:31:20 EST

Dear Linux community.

I was just wondering if anyone is actively maintaining
drivers/video/display/display-sysfs.c, or the display class. I am
looking at the version in and I noticed that it hasn't been
updated since 2.6.22. Just curious if anyone is maintaining this

I also didn't find any code in the drivers/video sub-directory that is
actually using the "display class". I found some examples and
possible updates from James Simmons on the web, but it seems like
nothing has been rolled into the main branch. I also found some bug
fixes on the web (dated early '07), but again, nothing officially
rolled into

I'm asking because I would like to do some work (and possibly expand)
the display class, just wanted get some background information before
I get started.

Just curious. Thanks for all your support. Please CC
jchen1996@xxxxxxxxx for the responses!

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