Re: git tree corrupt?

From: Martin Langhoff
Date: Sun Mar 02 2008 - 16:40:30 EST

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Linus Torvalds
<torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In that case, your "origin" simply isn't updated, but points somewhere
> long back in history. I can only assume that cogito has done something
> wrong, like not been able to handle packed refs or something, and you have
> an updated tree but "origin" pointing to way back in the history.

Strange - cogito over git protocol will use git itself to peek at the
references. Steve, what is your git version?

> > Ideas for another solution short of recloning and sorting through all
> > of the last month or two of patches that affect this directory by
> > hand?

Linus' plan assumes you have a .git/config file. I don't think a
cogito-based checkout follows such modern conventions - here's an
alternative plan:

- make sure you have a current git

- get a fresh clone of linux-2.6, and in there

# tell it about your old checkout
$ git remote add oldlinux /path/to/your/older/linux/checkout/.git
$ git fetch oldlinux
# visualise what's in there
$ gitk origin/master oldlinux/master

# you may want to merge your old branch
$ git merge oldlinux/master


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