usb regression in 2.6.24-rc4

From: Gene Heskett
Date: Sun Dec 09 2007 - 01:14:57 EST

Greetings guys & gals;

This was sent about an hour ago to the usb-devel list also.
Just a few minutes ago I needed to make use of my scanner, an Epson 1250u.

Firing up xsane, the usual select the device menu window didn't show, and it
went straight to my tv card as the only input device.

I couldn't recall the name of the tool that scans for scanners that's in the
sane package, or should be, so I then did an lsusb, but got an empty result!

Unplugging the usb cable from the scanner, then reconnecting the usb cable got
me the usual disconnect and connect messages in the log, but xsane still
couldn't find it.

So I rebooted to 2.6.24-rc4 again, same result. lsusb still gave an empty
result. The two kernels were generated from the same .config as far as I
know. The -rc3 .config was fed to a "make oldconfig" to make
the -rc4 .config as is the usual practice.

So I then rebooted to 2.6.24-rc3, and it all works again. I got the scanning
done and the pix sent on their merry way.

Anybody have a suggestion of what to check, or maybe a patch to revert? Or
a .config option that needs to be enabled?

Cheers, Gene
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