Re: entropy gathering (was Re: Why does reading from /dev/urandomdeplete entropy so much?)

From: Jeff Garzik
Date: Sat Dec 08 2007 - 15:48:55 EST

Theodore Tso wrote:
I think the userspace config problems were mainly due to the fact that
there wasn't a single official userspace utility package for the
random number package. Comments in drivers/char/random.c for how to
set up /etc/init.d/random is Just Not Enough.


If we had a single, official random number generator package that
contained the configuration, init.d script, as well as the daemon that
can do all sorts of different things that you really, Really, REALLY
want to do in userspace, including:

* FIPS testing (as Jeff suggested --- making sure what you think is randomness isn't 60Hz hum is a Really Good Idea :-)
* access to TPM (if available --- I have a vague memory that you may
need access to the TPM key to access any of its functions, and the
the TPM key is stored in the filesystem)

+1 agreed

(not volunteering, but I will cheer on the hearty soul who undertakes this endeavor...)

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