Re: [PATCH RFC] [1/9] Core module symbol namespaces code and intro.

From: Roland Dreier
Date: Mon Nov 26 2007 - 01:16:19 EST

> Except C doesn't have namespaces and this mechanism doesn't create them. So
> this is just complete and utter makework; as I said before, noone's going to
> confuse all those udp_* functions if they're not in the udp namespace.

I don't understand why you're so opposed to organizing the kernel's
exported symbols in a more self-documenting way. It seems pretty
clear to me that having a mechanism that requires modules to make
explicit which (semi-)internal APIs makes reviewing easier, makes it
easier to communicate "please don't use that API" to module authors,
and takes at least a small step towards bringing the kernel's exported
API under control. What's the real downside?

- R.
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