Re: 2.6.24-rc1-82798a1 compile failure (x86_64)

From: Thomas Bächler
Date: Sat Nov 03 2007 - 06:04:48 EST

Thomas Bächler schrieb:
> I just remembered, a friend of mine got it to compile with the exact
> same toolchain, but with a different configuration (which I don't have).
> He used a snapshot tarball from yesterday though, not the git tree.

I found the problem and eliminated it. While this is my own fault, it is
still a bug in either the kernel or the build system: I had CFLAGS set
to "-Wall -O3 -march=native -pipe". I always thought the kernel would
ignore those and set its own CFLAGS, but I was wrong. Either the -O3 or
the -march=native break the build process on gcc 4.2.2.

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