Re: kbuild: possible regression?
From: Sam Ravnborg
Date: Wed Oct 31 2007 - 05:41:40 EST
On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 10:03:50AM +0100, Jan Altenberg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm not quite sure if this might be a regression, but I recognized a
> change to kbuild's behaviour, which causes some of my build scripts to
> fail.
> The build scripts do:
> return system(('make -C %s O=%s ARCH=%s CROSS_COMPILE=%s '+
> 'oldconfig %s %s < /dev/null || exit %i') %
> (srcdir,
> builddir,
> arch,
> crosscompile,
> target,
> modules_target,
> which results in something like:
> make -C /here/workdir/linux-2.6/common/src O=/here/workdir/linux-2.6/common/build/build \
> ARCH=i386 CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/i686-linux/bin/i686-linux- \
> oldconfig bzImage < /dev/null || exit 1
> In the past, oldconfig was the first target, which has been handled.
> Now, bzImage seems to get handled at first. That causes my build scripts
> to fail, because the bzImage target does a silentoldconfig, which
> doesn't allow console redirection.
> [...]
> Kernel log buffer size (16 => 64KB, 17 => 128KB) (LOG_BUF_SHIFT) [14] 14
> Control Group support (CGROUPS) [N/y/?] (NEW) aborted!
> Console input/output is redirected. Run 'make oldconfig' to update configuration.
> make[5]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1
> make[4]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 2
> make[3]: *** [include/config/auto.conf] Error 2
> make[2]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
> make[1]: *** [/here/workdir/linux-2.6/common/src/scripts/Kbuild.include] Error 2
> make: *** [sub-make] Error 2
> make: Leaving directory `/here/workdir/linux-2.6/common/src'
> [...]
> After silentoldconfig has failed, oldconfig seems to get executed and
> after that the bzImage build is starting. So far so good, BUT: My script
> checks the return value and fails after the execution of
> silentoldconfig. That's why I recognized the different behaviour.
> I did a git bisect to identify the commit, which caused the change to
> kbuild's behaviour. The offending commit is:
> commit 0b35786d77ba4037f181982cc8ca20a7a3bf0fd2
> Author: Milton Miller <miltonm@xxxxxxx>
> Date: Fri Sep 21 18:09:02 2007 -0500
> kbuild: call make once for all targets when O=.. is used
> Change the invocations of make in the output directory Makefile and the
> main Makefile for separate object trees to pass all goals to one $(MAKE)
> via a new phony target "sub-make" and the existing target _all.
> When compiling with separate object directories, a separate make is called
> in the context of another directory (from the output directory the main
> Makefile is called, the Makefile is then restarted with current directory
> set to the object tree). Before this patch, when multiple make command
> goals are specified, each target results in a separate make invocation.
> With make -j, these invocations may run in parallel, resulting in multiple
> commands running in the same directory clobbering each others results.
> I did not try to address make -j for mixed dot-config and no-dot-config
> targets. Because the order does matter, a solution was not obvious.
> Perhaps a simple check for MAKEFLAGS having -j and refusing to run would
> be appropriate.
> Signed-off-by: Milton Miller <miltonm@xxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Sam Ravnborg <sam@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> So, am I facing a kbuild regression?
Yes - I will try to fix it during the weekend (if Milton does not beat me).
Thanks for reporting and bisecting!
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