Re: Promise SATA300 TX4: errors, oops in ext3 code

From: Alexander Sabourenkov
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 05:47:21 EST

Clemens Koller wrote:
Okay, I have no idea about any bugs there.
You have several options: Find a 100% working vanilla kernel for your
problem (minimal configuration, skip i.e. the sound stuff, ...).
And then git bisect with a known bad kernel.

I'm afraid there is no 100% working kernel. Problems were reported as far back as 2.6.11, and I never found a single thread in mailing lists ending with "problem solved" (not counting PSU and thermal issues).

Same thing in hardware: move components (Controllers + HDD) to/from a working
machine and verify...

Unfortunately right now I have no yet-untested machine - both I have show same problems.

Time permitting I'll test 2.6.23 kernel, libata-dev branch, SATA300/SATA150 modes and agressive card cooling as you suggested in your other email and document all this on a separate page or maybe a wiki.



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