Re: [RFC] New kernel-message logging API (take 2)

From: linux
Date: Thu Sep 27 2007 - 21:38:38 EST

> Example: {
> struct kprint_block out;
> kprint_block_init(&out, KPRINT_DEBUG);
> kprint_block(&out, "Stack trace:");
> while(unwind_stack()) {
> kprint_block(&out, "%p %s", address, symbol);
> }
> kprint_block_flush(&out);
> }

Assuming that kprint_block_flush() is a combination of
kprint_block_printit() and kprint_block_abort(), you
coulld make a macro wrapper for this to preclude leaks:

#define KPRINT_BLOCK(block, level, code) \
do { \
struct kprint_block block; \
kprint_block_init(&block, KPRINT_##level); \
do { \
code ; \
kprint_block_printit(&block); \
while (0); \
kprint_block_abort(&block); \
} while(0)

The inner do { } while(0) region is so you can abort with "break".

(Or you can split it into KPRINT_BEGIN() and KPRINT_END() macros,
if that works out to be cleaner.)
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