Re: Building a kernel-source RPM (not a kernel RPM)?

From: Sam Ravnborg
Date: Wed Sep 12 2007 - 13:04:21 EST

On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 09:13:41AM -0700, Dan Stromberg wrote:
> I sent this to kernel newbies first, and while I got one response there,
> it answered a different question than the one I was asking...
> I'm on a SuSE system.
> I'm working on automating the install of said system, but it needs a
> Linus kernel - specifically, and it needs kernel source too so
> that we can build modules in the field as needed.
> I see you can make an rpm of a bootable kernel with "make rpm".
> Is there a streamlined way of building a corresponding kernel-source
> RPM? Or do people pretty much all just dump the source in /usr/src, and
> manually update symlinks as needed? If the latter, what symlinks need
> to be updated?

Being rpm ignorant I do not know what the expected content of a kernel-source RPM
are but this is the available targets for kernel packaging (from make help):

Kernel packaging:
rpm-pkg - Build the kernel as an RPM package
binrpm-pkg - Build an rpm package containing the compiled kernel
and modules
deb-pkg - Build the kernel as an deb package
tar-pkg - Build the kernel as an uncompressed tarball
targz-pkg - Build the kernel as a gzip compressed tarball
tarbz2-pkg - Build the kernel as a bzip2 compressed tarball

I just tried binrpm-pkg - but alas I have no rpm installed it failed.

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