Re: [RFC][PATCH 1/6] Storing ipcs into IDRs

From: Nadia Derbey
Date: Fri Sep 07 2007 - 11:12:49 EST

Nadia Derbey wrote:
Andi Kleen wrote:

Nadia.Derbey@xxxxxxxx writes:

This patch introduces ipcs storage into IDRs. The main changes are:
. This ipc_ids structure is changed: the entries array is changed into a
root idr structure.
. The grow_ary() routine is removed: it is not needed anymore when adding
an ipc structure, since we are now using the IDR facility.
. The ipc_rmid() routine interface is changed:
. there is no need for this routine to return the pointer passed in as
argument: it is now declared as a void
. since the id is now part of the kern_ipc_perm structure, no need to
have it as an argument to the routine

Thanks for doing this work. It was long overdue.

Do you have any data how this changes memory consumption with many objects?


Here are the results I got when creating 32768 (IPCMNI) msg queues with the patched kernel:

It's the output from msg11.c. This script does what follows:
. gets sysinfo(2) results
. captures /proc/meminfo
. captures /proc/slabinfo
. creates XX msg queues (XX given as parameter)
. captures /proc/meminfo
. captures /proc/slabinfo
. gets sysinfo results
. outputs all the results
. removes the created ipcs

sysinfo results: a BEFORE and an AFTER column are output where necessary.
BEFORE means "before creating the objects"
AFTER means "after the objects have been created"

meminfo results: the BEFORE and AFTER files are pasted

slabinfo results: only the differences between the BEFORE and the AFTER are output.

Here are also the sizes for the ref and the patched kernel:

size linux-2.6.23-rc2.ref/vmlinux linux-2.6.23-rc2/vmlinux
text data bss dec hex filename
4432697 496450 602112 5531259 54667b linux-2.6.23-rc2.ref/vmlinux
4430747 496450 602112 5529309 545edd linux-2.6.23-rc2/vmlinux

The directory is structured as follows:

msg11.c: the script I used to generate the results
output.ref: the output from msg11 with the ref kernel the output from msg11 with the patched kernel
size: the output from the size command
ref: directory with the results files for the ref kernel
new: directory with the results files for the patched kernel
In these 2 directories:
*_mem_*before: /proc/meminfo before creating the msg queues
*_mem_*after: /proc/meminfo after creating the msg queues
*_slab_*before: /proc/slabinfo before creating the msg queues
*_slab_*after: /proc/slabinfo after creating the msg queues


Here is an annalysis of the results I sent you yesterday (I guess you don't have enoguh time to look at everything):

ref code:

1) since /proc/sys/kernel/msgmni has been set to 32768, vmalloc(0x20014) is called to allocate the entries[] array (see grow_ary() --> ipc_rcu_alloc()).


Before msg queues allocation: VmallocUsed = 2860 kB
After msg queues allocation: VmallocUsed = 2996 KB

Once allocated this array is never freed.

Unfortunately, in the result I sent you yesterday, you can't see the evolution since it was not the 1st time I was running the test, so the vmalloc() has not been called.

2) Since 32768 msg queues have been created and a msg_queue structure <
PAGE_SIZE, kmalloc(0x6C) is called 32768 times

==> size-128 in slabinfo: (I slighty simplified the output to make it fit in the mail):

objs slabs
# name <active> <num> <size> : <active> <num>
before : size-128 1070 1320 128 : 44 44
after : size-128 33840 33840 128 : 1128 1128

patched code:
1) since 32768 msg queues are created, idr_pre_get() is called 32768 times
==> idr_layer_cache in slabinfo:

objs slabs
# name <active> <num> <size> : <active> <num>
before : idr_layer_cache 112 116 136 : 4 4
after : idr_layer_cache 1189 1189 136 : 41 41

2) This point remains unchanged compared to the ref code.

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