udev: Inconsistency between %b and %p?

From: Manuel Reimer
Date: Thu Sep 06 2007 - 11:28:33 EST


I'm trying to write a UDEV rule, which has to hand over the SCSI device ID in the format $HOST:$CHANNEL:$ID:$LUN to a shellscript.

My first try was:

ATTR{vendor}=="XXXX", ATTR{model}=="XXXX", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM+="/usr/bin/test.sh %b %p"

This returns the SCSI device ID and the device path up to the SCSI device to my test script.

As I would prefer to use the USB device information (idVendor, idProduct) to detect the device, I also tried this one:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="0dda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2005", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM+="/usr/bin/test.sh %b %p"

Now this version returns the USB device ID ($NUM-$NUM) to the test script, but the device path (%p) is still OK and still goes down up to the SCSI device ID.

Why does %b not return the SCSI device ID in the second rule?

Thanks in advance



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