Re: "GPL weasels and the atheros stink"

From: Jeff Garzik
Date: Sun Sep 02 2007 - 14:47:04 EST

Jonathan A. George wrote:
Question #1: Is it _ethical_ (legality aside) to take someone else's actively maintained work (for example an OpenBSD driver) and make changes which can not be shared/used by the original developer/maintainer?

This happens all the time. It's called a fork.

Forks happen for good reasons, bad reasons, dumb reasons, and smart reasons.

Sometimes the useful changes can be shared back, and that's a good thing [for that situation].

Sometimes changes cannnot be shared back, and that's also a good thing [for that situation].

Question #2: Is it _technically beneficial_ to branch an OSS work (for example an OpenBSD driver) in such a way as to diminish the ability to share contributions between projects?

Can only be answered on a case-by-case basis.

The reality OF THE CODE is such that *BSD and Linux share good SOLUTIONS quite often. That's a benefit of open source. And that's a good thing.


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