Re: Fwd: That whole "Linux stealing our code" thing

From: Krzysztof Halasa
Date: Sun Sep 02 2007 - 09:57:46 EST

IANAL, but:

Igor Sobrado <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> So, under a dual-licensed BSD/GPL code the latter license allows a
> developer to remove the GPL license itself and release a
> single-licensed BSD code if other parties want to do it?

Of course. If it wasn't legal, dual BSD/GPL would just be equal
to GPL. Now, dual BSD/GPL equals BSD.

OTOH I'd probable leave the original licence text, something like:

The actual licence conditions:
GPL or BSD or whatever.

Portions of this file were licenced under:
[the original licence text, not valid as a licence for current file]

WRT Atheros driver I'd probably leave the thing as is (i.e., BSD/GPL
= in fact BSD), unless something like 50+% of the code is rewritten -
it's mostly their hard work after all, isn't it? Not legal
requirement, though.
Krzysztof Halasa
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