Re: maturity and status and attributes, oh my!

From: Stefan Richter
Date: Fri Aug 31 2007 - 18:37:00 EST

Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> attributes would have two critical and non-negotiable properties:
> 1) they would be entirely orthogonal to one another, and
> 2) they can be assigned at most one of a pre-defined set of values

If they are fully orthogonal to another, then they are also
nonexclusive. You want them to be mutual exclusive, not orthogonal.

> experimental -> normal (stable) -> deprecated -> obsolete
> it's a natural progression and, at any point, a feature cannot
> possibly have more than one maturity value. it would be as absurd as
> saying that someone was a teenager *and* was a twenty-something at the
> same time.

Keep in mind though that 'experimental', in the context of Linux kernel
features, has nothing to do with the age of a feature.
Stefan Richter
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