Re: x86 setup code rewrite in C - revised

From: Etienne Lorrain
Date: Thu Jul 12 2007 - 09:25:03 EST

> This patch set replaces the x86 setup code, which is currently all in
> assembly, with a version written in C, using the ".code16gcc" feature
> of binutils (which has been present since at least 2001.)

".code16gcc" is useable since a bit earlier than that, in fact since:
has been fixed, I am using it every other day.

> The new code is vastly easier to read, and, I hope, debug.

Yes it is, and there is a lot of work in those 33 patch; in very few of
them I would have liked to read something like "inspired by ..." in one of
the C comments (no need to add any E-mail, I already receive enough spam).


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