Re: [linux-lvm] 2.6.22-rc5 XFS fails after hibernate/resume

From: David Greaves
Date: Fri Jun 29 2007 - 04:21:15 EST

David Greaves wrote:
been away, back now...

David Greaves wrote:
When I move the swap/resume partition to a different controller (ie when I broke the / mirror and used the freed space) the problem seems to go away.
No, it's not gone away - but it's taking longer to show up.
I can try and put together a test loop that does work, hibernates, resumes and repeats but since I know it crashes at some point there doesn't seem much point unless I'm looking for something.
There's not much in the logs - is there any other instrumentation that people could suggest?
DaveC, given this is happening without (obvious) libata errors do you think it may be something in the XFS/md/hibernate area?

If there's anything to be tried then I'll also move to 2.6.22-rc6.

> Tejun Heo wrote:
>> It's really weird tho. The PHY RDY status changed events are coming
>> from the device which is NOT used while resuming

There is an obvious problem there though Tejun (the errors even when sda isn't involved in the OS boot) - can I start another thread about that issue/bug later? I need to reshuffle partitions so I'd rather get the hibernate working first and then go back to it if that's OK?


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