Re: 2.6.22-rc6 spurious hangs

From: Thomas Sattler
Date: Thu Jun 28 2007 - 17:31:19 EST

> Could you also show the result of sysrq-T ?
I was so happy that I could trigger it that fast ...
... that I forgot to press Alt-Sysrq-t before reboot.

But, I could trigger it again. :-)

This time I can offer:

- Debug output from Oleg's patch (11x, every 30s)
- Alt-Sysrq-t (3x, about 30s between them)

There is no lockdep stuff but lockdep must have
been running. It's enabled and did not fire
before the the bug was triggered.

The logfile is attached.
(yes it is, I checked twice)


Attachment: messages.gz
Description: application/gzip