Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

From: david
Date: Thu Jun 21 2007 - 16:46:59 EST

On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Alexandre Oliva wrote:

On Jun 21, 2007, david@xxxxxxx wrote:

On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
If it's input-only, then you can't possibly harm the operation of the
network by only listening in, can you?

Ok, so you consider any anti-piracy measures to be something that
GPLv3 should prohibit.

In general, I object to the use of my code in ways that don't permit
users to run it for any purpose, study it, adapt it to suit their own
needs, modify the code and distribute it, modified or not.

If this means my code can't be used to implement DRM, that's a good

All anti-piracy measures I've ever known deprive users of legitimate
rights too. So, yes, I don't agree with these measures.

I believe in punishing the guilty, not in punishing innocent
bystanders just such that the guilty have to find work arounds to
become guilty.

this is your right with your code. please stop browbeating people who disagree with you.

David Lang
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